A Trusted Provider of Healthy School Lunch
in the Bay Area since 2012
My Green Lunch meals are prepared fresh and in small batches from scratch each morning (really early) and include fruits and vegetables sourced from local and organic family farms whenever possible. We are proud members of the CAFF (Community Alliance for Family Farmers).
Our entrees, freshly cut fruits, and sliced veggies are served in compostable containers (95% of our packaging is compostable and 5% recyclable). We believe freshly cut fruit and sliced vegetables make children more inclined to eat them because it is easier to consume.
Our program is unique in that it strives to meet the dietary needs and restrictions of all students, including gluten-free, nut-free (of course!), dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan options in our menu offering.
My Green Lunch is truly green because of our environmentally friendly and compostable packaging, utensils, and napkins. By having compostable packaging, utensils, and napkins, we are greatly reducing our carbon footprint and allowing our foodservice products to transform waste into healthy, new soil through composting.
School lunch delivery bay area